Tuesday, July 31, 2007

You might be in Sillycon Valley, Pt I

You might be in Sillycon Valley when you're on the light rail, with your bike, on your way to your high tech job, checking your e-mail and posting to your blog, all while sitting across from a guy with a Segway on the train.

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Monday, July 30, 2007

We don't need no stinking badgers

Sometimes the blog posts just write themselves. I quote the NYTimes: "Many residents of Basra have convinced themselves that the British Army has loosed savage cattle-eating badgers onto its unsuspecting populace as a final gesture of ill intent." I quote the British military spokeman: “Of course we categorically deny that we have released badgers into Basra." I have nothing to add.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

And in other news, robots are cool.

This guy has hypnotic and fascinating wind-powered walking robots:

This AAAI '07 video pretty much mirrors my experience with Grace. I didn't use profanity in my very public appearance, but the NYTimes did report I was arguing with the robot.

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Brave New World

Nothing much going on here. Since my last post, we've:
  1. Finished residency and grad school.
  2. Taken a three week vacation in Tahoe and the Pacific Northwest.
  3. Packed and moved out of a spare bedroom, an apartment, and a storage facility into an apartment and two storage facilities. [1]
  4. Started new jobs at interesting places.
  5. Entered into contract on a house.
So pretty much business as usual, in other words.

[1] S would like to note we're not sleeping in either storage facility, as that's illegal, as is storing dead bodies.
